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Home Grown Squash

Our Story

At Farm to Table Living, we are passionate about sustainable living, organic farming, and embracing the rural lifestyle. Our journey began in 2021 when we made the life-changing decision to sell our home in the city and move to the countryside to take care of our family's property and parents. As empty nesters, we embarked on this adventure, starting with nothing more than a 32-foot travel trailer and a dream of living closer to nature.

Upon arriving at the property, we discovered it had been underutilized for agricultural purposes, with only a small garden and ornamental flower beds. Determined to make the most of this fertile land, we rolled up our sleeves and dedicated countless hours to clearing the land, building raised beds, and planting fruit trees. We were driven by the desire to cultivate our own food and reconnect with the earth.

Recognizing the growing concerns about food safety and the rising prices of essential items, such as eggs, we decided to add a flock of chickens to our property. This not only provided us with a sustainable source of fresh eggs but also allowed us to contribute to the local community by sharing our surplus with our neighbors. Small, intentional actions can significantly impact our lives and those around us.

Every day on our farm is a new chapter in our life's story. As we embrace the challenges and rewards of sustainable agriculture, we also find solace and guidance in our faith. Placing our trust in Christ, we obediently follow His lead, seeking His wisdom and guidance as we navigate this adventure. Our journey is not just about cultivating the land but also nurturing our spiritual connection with our Lord.

At Farm to Table Living, we strive to educate and inspire others to embark on their own sustainable living journeys. Through our website and social media platforms, we aim to engage readers with informative and entertaining content that highlights the joys and realities of country living. From gardening tips and delicious recipes using homegrown produce to insights into sustainable farming practices, we offer a wealth of resources to help you on your own path toward a healthier, more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Join us as we continue to grow Farm to Table Living and share our love for sustainable agriculture, organic farming, and the beauty of a rural lifestyle. Together, let's explore the wonders of farm-to-table living one day at a time.


-Farm to Table Living

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